This weekend had a few almosts but no quite moments ... here we go:
1. Ive been looking for two new desk chairs my current chair is not so comfy for an extended period of time, from the road I thought I saw these amazing chairs reminiscent of Jonathan Adlers Chippendale Arm Chair, but when I stopped I realized that it had a weird turn style bottom, and werent so cute ... anyone have any suggestions for a comfy cute office chair?
2. The paper/printer storage is a little out of control in my office, I decided on a storage solution involving repurposed cabinet doors; however, couldnt find 4 matching ones, close but not quite right...
3. I bought the wrong tape to mark off the rug for stenciling ... since the jute is higher, it needs very sticky to adhere!
So onto plan C, tear apart an existing chair in the garage.
A few months ago, I picked up this chair from Goodwill for around $30, its peachy vinyl is very very bad. I was thinking a new upholstery job will make it miles better!
Here is where we are at now, there were so many staples to pull on the bottom, just to get the back panel off! Im thinking maybe this fabulous arbesque fabric from Kravet
Studio Ten 25
vintage revivals
Or a neutral with contrasting cording ...
maybe a bold trellis ... After measuring, it is too large to fit in the office where I was planning on putting it, so maybe reupholstering and then selling or selling as a project chair?? Ugh this really wasnt my weekend! Im going to regroup, and find some solutions! In the meantime remember to enter for a chance to win one of my stencils! Only a few more days!